Welcome to the recap of the Catholic Sistas blog for the week of September 10 – September 15! Hopefully you will find this new feature a helpful assist in keeping up with our wonderfully diverse posts. We wouldn’t want you to miss a thing! 😆
As part of our blogging schedule we have agreed, as a group, that we will not be doing individual blog posts on Sundays. Our week in review, Sistas Weekly, is set to auto-post so that we can keep holy the Sabbath and spend time with our families.
Hey Catholics, Did You Know…?
The Sign of the Cross One day while perusing around Facebook, which I have a tendency to do, I came upon a great image posted in my newsfeed: (Image posted by the page http://www.facebook.com/TheCatholicChurch, maintained by http://www.uCatholic.com) Many of us Catholic Sistas (and friends) began discussing the image. I was surprised by how many had never heard of this tradition! I had actually been taught this while I was in high school, with a slight variation – to cross myself with 3 fingers (thumb, index, middle) as the sign of the Trinity, while bending the other 2 (ring and pinky) as the dual nature of Christ. Other ladies had their own ways that they were taught. Read more »
God’s Instruction Book for Parents
As parents, we are always looking for extra support in rearing our children as people of God. I have collected a few quotes and would like to share those that always help me: “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” Matthew 3:17 I say this to my children often. I want them to know that I love them with the unconditional, undying love of a parent—the love the Father showed to His own Son, Jesus. Read more »
Taking Your Enemy Off The Cross
“But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven”. -Matthew 5: 44-45
Once upon a time I had a job outside the home, a career even. As a middle school teacher at a Catholic school, I enjoyed my job, but there were a few days out of the year I loathed. Two of these days were our staff retreats. You see there are few things more torturous to a teacher than to use one of her days without students, namely the day before Thanksgiving, as a day to put her in a room full of crabby women and insist she do ice-breakers and reflections. Read more »
Finding My Path to Holiness
I stared at the simple white host in the monstrance and waited. It was silent and still in the small, brick building that served as a perpetual adoration chapel on the campus of Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio. It was an ideal place for listening, and that’s what I was there to do. I was in the middle of a crisis of sorts, and I had come to present my problem to the Lord and beg Him to show me the way. Read more »
From Agnostic Theist to Seminarian: Part 4
Catholic Sistas welcomes the fourth and final installment of seminarian Craig DeYoung’s beautiful conversion story. You can click on the following links to reach the first, second, and third parts of Craig’s story. The last two months have been an incredible blessing. I had the opportunity, for the month of July, to make the 30-Day Exercises of St. Ignatius. The exercises were an incredible experience, during which I fell even more deeply in love with Jesus and He showed me how real His love truly is. He drew me deeper into the mystery of His desire for my heart, and called forth a greater self-gift. Read more »
I moved halfway across my state a month ago. And if you know Texas, that’s pretty far. In an effort to reconnect as a couple, my husband and I decided to leave a well-paying job for lower salary that would allow us to be closer to my family and significantly improve his family time. So, in 2 weeks, I had to pack up a 1300 sq. ft. house.
The Seven Sorrows of Mary, our Mother
If we are temples of the Holy Ghost; if we are made members of the Body of Christ at our Baptism; if the Body of Christ is our Holy Mother the Church; how much more so then is Mary both our personal model as believers, and the model of the Church?
Broken Childhood Healed by Christ
Rushing to my pew, quietly and quickly, I tried to go unnoticed. A shy college student, I had no one to really go to Mass with me – well, not as often as I wanted to go, which was daily. Pulling the kneeler down, I felt my knees hit the leather chocolate brown cushion, folded my hands in prayer and closed my eyes in adoration. Just a few minutes later, I heard little feet scuffling the tile floor of the center aisle; I didn’t have to open my eyes because I knew it was the Sanchez mother and her nine little ones. In admiration, as I heard the last set of feet pass my pew, I opened
my eyes to catch a glimpse of this lovely family which stood out like a sore thumb at our parish of over 500 families because of the size of theirs. Read more »