November, November, November… Such a dreary month in pretty much all the land. Summer is absolutely over; there will be no occasional warm sunny days that cause one to cast their minds back to memories of iced tea in the backyard while children splashed in the sprinkler. The colourful leaves have fallen and been crushed beneath millions of footsteps and are simply brown dust clinging to our shoes and tracking mess through the house. Those far enough north are anticipating that first snowfall that will dress the land in a snowy white fairy gown and grow beautiful lace on the bare branches that wave in the cold winds. We in the south are laying odds as to whether there will even be snow this winter or not, and children are praying fervently for the white Christmas that occurs once every decade or so.
So… what to do about this cheerless month? Myself – I am wrapping myself in dreams and planning for the many incredible feast days that are coming over the next few weeks that will cheer our lonely, cold souls. Advent is almost upon us and Christmas feels even closer.
To help you through this dull and bleak month, I’m creating a quick takes collage of beautiful images that will set you to dreaming too, and take your mind away from the brown grass and gray skies that adorn your front window.
Quick Take One: find beauty amongst the browns of autumn…
Quick Take Two: do something crazy like ….
drink a cup of tea in the trees with your brother
take a nap!
Quick Take Three: start planning for Advent…
Quick Take Four: enjoy yummy hot soups and stews, even fresh bread from the oven. Better yet eat them beside the fire!
Quick Take Five: Plan for these feast days…
and festive baking!
Quick Take Six: Enjoy the snow when (or if) it comes…
Quick Take Seven: have tea parties and enjoy some flowers….
I would like to draw to a close of Quick Take Friday, not with an image of any kind, but rather a recipe. This will require a trip to the store, unless you have all these essential elements on hand, and then you can have a fun day baking these wonderful cookies for your family or friends. See you next month and who knows what goodies I’ll have to share with you then!
Check out more Quick Takes over at Conversion Diary.