Welcome to Of Note – A Collection of Orthodox Catholic Reading, a series dedicated to sharing great orthodox Catholic content around the inter webs!
Let’s face it, we are all busy, modern women and we just don’t have the time or the energy to vet or read everything the Catholic blogosphere has to offer. We have streamlined that for you and offer you the most worthy, relevant reads that will keep you informed and in-tune without wasting your precious time. Each month, on the first Friday, you can find Of Note filled with posts that are inspiring, knowledgeable, cover current events, and liturgical living.
We are continually looking for new and lesser known bloggers to feature here on Of Note. If you write a blog or know of one we should take a look at leave a link in the combox or email me at: OfNote@CatholicSistas.com
A most happy and blessed Eastertide to you, dear Sistas! Here’s what we’ve been reading for this month’s installment.
Liturgical Living
Lacey of Catholic Icing has a list of ideas for celebrating each of the 8 Sundays of Eastertide. Although we are already nearly 3 weeks into the celebrations, it’s never too late to add a new tradition.
Ascension falls on the last day of May. What a perfect time for an Ascension picnic as suggested by Mary of Catholic Cuisine.
May is the perfect time to plant a Mary Garden. Real Life at Home has a wonderful step by step guide.
Hidden Gems
This beautiful post by Ellie of The Bleeding Pelican had me in tears with her a real life lesson in detachment from “things”.
I no longer have littles who have meltdowns and tantrums, but oh do I wish had this sage advice from Ginny of Not so Formulaic. I’ll be keeping this in my archives for my adult kids as they begin having families.
Melanie of Joy of Nine9 writes a beautiful reflection on the triumph of Christ’s resurrection.
Julia of Purple Civet writes about carving out time to pray and grow in faith when we find ourselves overwhelmed with the busyness of everyday life.
The Professionals
I’m not a feminist by any stretch of the imagination, but I love Old Testament stories about women. Philip Kosoloski wrote an interesting piece on Deborah, a mother in Israel.
“Neither optimism nor pessimism can have the final word.” Writes Peter Kwasniewski in this intriguing piece for Life Site.
You won’t believe the writer of this article on the importance of Catholic friends is only a junior in high school.
“Do not cling to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father.” This interesting command from the Risen Lord to Mary Magdalene is wonderfully explained by Msgr. Charles Pope.
From the Archives
May is dedicated to Our Lady. In 2014, Allison wrote a lovely reflection on how Mary helps her mother.