Lectio Divina: Third Sunday of Lent (2017)

I feel like Lent just started and yet here we are at the Third Sunday of Lent already. It seems to be going by too fast. It makes me wonder if I am not being sacrificial enough. But I need to be careful there, no one wants to go down the road of scrupulosity. It might be that I just went to three nights of a parish mission earlier this week and I’m thinking a lot on how much I really do for God (and how much I fail) and whether I really do trust him or not. I think this is one of those things that I like most about Lent, it’s a time of reflection and a time to seriously consider where conversion is needed in your life.

Conversion is the main theme of this Sunday’s Gospel reading. How perfect, right? Conversion is not a one time thing. We all may have memories of those moments when we had a profound conversion, but we should also recognize that we are always in the process of conversion in one way or another. That’s a good thing to keep in mind as you pull up the Gospel passage to read and pray along as you read the following reflection.

Sit back and take some time to read, reflect, respond, and rest in the Gospel passage for the Third Sunday of Lent. Join me as we read this passage in the manner of lectio divina prayer. To find the Gospel reading, follow this link to the USCCB website for Sunday’s readings. For a brief review of the lectio divina steps, I recommend this brief explanation from the Archabbey of St. Meinrad.

Don’t forget, I’d love to hear some of your own thoughts (what caught your attention, what you feel God is saying to you, etc.) in the comments below.


  • Living water
  • Never thirst
  • In Spirit and truth
  • I am he

REFLECT: What is God saying to you?

“I am he.” This is what Jesus tells the woman at the well when she mentions the coming Christ. “I am he.” On hearing these words, her conversion finally takes hold (third time’s the charm, right?). She doesn’t say anything more, she leaves her water jug behind and races back to town. Yes, races. Why else would she leave the water jar behind? It was heavy and full of water at this point, and the sun would have been directly overhead (it was noon) making it very hot. The town is also a bit of a trek from where the well is. So we know she was trying to get back quickly. I don’t know about you, but I’d have probably left the water jar behind too.

“I am he.” I wish my conversion had been so quick. To have those words spoken to me from the man himself … well, I hope I would have been convicted on the spot. My own conversion came about much more slowly. Very slowly, with lots of stumbles along the way. I was kind of like this woman at the beginning of the passage who isn’t quite getting what Jesus is telling her. Only it took me a lot more than three times before it finally clicked! Yet even though I do believe now and have no doubts that Jesus is the Christ, the he is my Lord and Savior, I still need these little reminders. These words Jesus speaks to the Samaritan woman are also for me. It is as if he is speaking to me: “I am he.” Don’t forget it! But just in case you do, I’ll remind you again … and again, and again.

Isn’t it great to know that no matter how far away we get, Jesus is always trying to bring us back, even when we don’t recognize it. Amazing!!

RESPOND: What do you want to say to God?

Yes, I do believe! Thank you, Jesus, for the reminder that you are he who is the Christ. Thank you for your unending love and for always coming after me no matter how often I fall. May all my praise, love, and adoration always be directed to you alone.


Read the passage one final time and spend a few moments in quiet contemplation, rest in the words of the Gospel.


What do you feel God is saying to you in this passage? How would you respond to him? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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