When the HHS mandate came out, I got mad. Then came Cecile Richards and Planned Parenthood claiming they spoke for all women. Well, I have a say. I say we need a Woman’s Bill of Rights. Here’s my version. Feel free to add to it in the comments!
Woman’s Bill of Rights
I have the right to worship God, go to church and live my faith, without persecution.
I have the right to pass on my faith to my children without the government telling me I can’t.
I have the right to defend my family, with words or actions, without fear of reprisal.
I have the right to teach my children right from wrong.
I have the right to disagree with someone on lifestyle, politics or religion without being verbally assaulted.
I have the right to breastfeed my baby because it’s the best thing for him/her.
I have the right to pump milk at work without fear of being fired because it’s what’s best for my family.
I have the right to stay home and care for my husband and kids without being called lazy or less of a woman.
I have the right to educate my children the best way I know how; be it homeschool, private school, or public school.
I have the right to be educated, and be a mother, without being forced to choose one over the other.
I have the right to have life in my womb, without being told that motherhood makes me less of a woman.
I have the right to pray in public without being shouted at.
I have the right to say God in the pledge of allegiance.
I have the right to have as many, or as few, children as I want without comments from strangers. It’s my body and my choice after all.
I have the right to say where my hard-earned tax money goes.
I have the right to work for what I have and to keep it.
I have the right to refuse what the government thinks is best for me and my family.
I have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, without the government telling me that I don’t know what I’m doing.