It was the third week of Advent. My shoes were uncomfortable, my skirt did not fit right, my veil kept falling off and even the cushion on the kneeler beneath me felt bumpy. I looked up and shot my two sons one of those disapproving look and looked up at my husband and frowned. Tears swelled up in my eyes so I shut them quickly and created a dam for them with my eyelids. First tear rolled down. It was useless, I was sad. My thoughts raced. I opened my prayer book and something feel from it, a paper? a book mark? And there it was, the answer to my frustration but I couldn’t really see, so I left it on the tile floor and closed my eyes to pray, “Dear Lord, what is wrong with me? Why am always so upset, bothered and angry? Why is it that my children do not listen? Why do they hate school so much?” My mind raced. I was going to THAT place again and Communion was coming up…I was feeling so sorry for myself, again.
How did I lose my joy?
Then I felt my four year old crawling over my legs to get to the other side of me. Which annoyed me, of course. But when I opened my eyes and wiped the tears away, I see his little hand reaching out to me, handing me a paper that had the answer to my frustrations.
I came to the realization that Joy does not simply happen to us. We must choose joy and keep choosing it daily! I spent the last two weeks working on finding my joy. I have to be honest: I felt lost. So I turned to prayer, I asked for prayers and I begged God to help me, to guide me. As I type this, tomorrow marks the end of the first week back to school after this discovery and after two weeks off of school on Christmas break. It was the most successful week in the entire six years we have been home educating.
Did I get upset at a child not doing what they were supposed to be doing? I sure did. Did I loose my temper? No, there was no need. A quick redirection and back on task we were. But this only happened first thing in the morning. So, what happened? How did I find my joy? How did my children learn to love homeschooling again?
Well the week didn’t exactly start off with a happy note, but I was expecting this so I did not let it shake me. I was standing on firm ground with my husband on the same page as me, God my by side, my guardian angel helping me stay on task, and Our Blessed Mother holding my heart each time it felt like it would break. I was not going to allow anything, nor anyone steal my joy. Not even this journal entry written by my nine year old son:
So what did I do to find my joy in out homeschool? I came up and tried these ten simple things and guess what? THEY WORKED!
Review your house and school rules. If you do not have rules established yet, this is the time to do it. Go over the schedule and stick to it. Don’t have a schedule, make one! Even if you hate schedules like I do, do it. Trust me, you will thank me for it later. Having a schedule helps you have a focal point for the day. Even if it is as simple as this:
8AM Eat Breakfast
9AM Start School
12PM Eat Lunch
1PM Afternoon School
5PM Eat Lunch
Get new read aloud books for the children and also get a new book for yourself. This year we got each child a book on a saint and then a book or set of books from a series for independent reading as Christmas presents. We read during quiet time after lunch and also at bed time.
Allow for more free play time. Play is so underrated and children learn so much from just playing. We got the children some horses, and a set of royal families and my eldest son made a castle for them. This is what they love to play with the most right now. I actually sat down and listened to them play today, they were reenacting scenes from books we have read…sweet!
Don’t teach Art? Time to start! Teaching Art adds spice to your school day! There are so many things available online for free for Art, there is no need to spend a lot of money on expensive programs! This week I taught the color wheel and how to mix colors to make new colors. Keep is simple and fun!
Do hands on things like painting or sewing because crafts make this kind of learning possible. Children remember more when they do things. I would love to add wood working to these tasks, but the weather will have to cooperate for this. There is so much we can do from home. I also planning on field trips to local museums that have hands on attractions.
Don’t know anything about music? Me neither but I can honestly say we are a music loving family. Anyone can put a CD on and just sing! Listen to music while you school and even in between schooling. Once they have learned a new song, record them! Send them to relatives to see or if you are on social media, share it with friends!
Introduce laughter into your day. Read funny stories, tell jokes or read funny jokes! My eldest son found this one comedian who is pretty good and funny, we listen to him all the time, in the car and in between school and supper. My eldest was dictating spelling words and making up sentences with some of these jokes, we were in stitches!
While you are preparing breakfast, have them sitting at the kitchen table journaling already. Journaling helps transition into the school day. Journaling is really simple to do, at first it is not so easy as the children have to get accustomed to doing it. I wrote a whole article on this which you can read. Journaling also helps you see if your children are happy or not… (see journal entry above)
Find new ways to teach basic subjects. There is a plethora of ideas available online. Make a lap book, create a mini book, etc., so many other ways to learn than just a textbook or a workbook!
Last but not least, rest, read, and relax. Mothers work so hard at home and school and we need to take care of outselves. We need rest, we also need to feed our souls with good spiritual reading. We also need to relax, the more I am on social media the more I realize we are so stressed about being on task and time and, and, comparing ourselves to others just kills joy. Do not do this to yourself. If something does not happen today, there is always tomorrow. Always, always, always turn to prayer when things are not going right.
How do you find joy in your homeschool day? Here is my successful week in a slide show: