This past week has been CRAZY with buzz over Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood, asking women to submit videos of themselves to show support of the HHS Mandate. That is just the tip of the iceburg when it comes to the HHS Mandate, The Catholic Church, and the Freedom of Religion. Even teenagers are joining in taking a stand!
On Thursday Catholic Sistas posted this blog post, and then on Saturday we posted this one asking for people to send in their pictures so that we could make a video to send a message to Cecile Richards that she does not speak for us. After a lot of work and help from other bloggers here is the video. You can go to the blogs that have helped us: A Catholic Life, Designs by Birgit, and The Ramblings of a Crazy Face. (the last one is my personal blog. Yeah I plugged it.) And you can see Father Holowell’s video, where the phrase “Here comes the Catholic Church” originated. If I forgot anyone, I’m sorry. We had a lot of help!
Now comes the moment you’ve been waiting for: The Catholic Sistas “I have a Say” video!! Please feel free to keep sending us your pictures and we will add them to the blog or consider making another video if enough pictures flood in.
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