St. Maximilian Kolbe
So…I couldn’t resist starting our giveaway today. Why?
- In case you haven’t noticed, our blog crossed 20,000 hits today, Friday, September 23! ::high five:: 🙂
- I’m celebrating my anniversary today and that always puts me in a good mood. 🙂
- It’s St. Padre Pio’s feast day! There was really no good excuse to not have a giveaway, ya know?
- Plus, it’s FRIDAY! What better way to sweeten the pot than to offer the opportunity to win a gift certificate in the amount of $35 from…
…St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic books. They are located in Owensboro, Kentucky and the gift certificate is redeemable through their online store or in person if you happen to live in the Owensboro area.
So, I bet you’re wondering how you can enter for this awesome prize, huh? It’s simple, really. 😀
Just post in the comments section below of this entry and THAT. IS. IT. Seriously, that’s all.
If you feel inclined, we would appreciate your company on our Catholic Sistas Facebook page, too. {that’s code for “like us” on FB} 🙂
St. Padre Pio, pray for us.
Christmas will be here before you know it and, if you’re like me with the yearly goal of finishing all shopping before the start of Advent, you’ll appreciate this timely giveaway. St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic books has everything you need and more! If you don’t see it on their web site, that doesn’t mean they don’t have it! Large selection of books, rosaries, statues, framed art, fonts, throws, baptism, even a few Catholic antique items. Posters, movies, CDs, it just goes on and on! Give them a call – 270-689-9485.
**The deadline is next Friday, September 30 at 3 p.m. CST. We will use a random generator to determine the winner, so stay tuned next Friday to see if you are the lucky winner!
UPDATE: The contest is now closed. Read who won the contest here.