Is It Still Easter?

Easter checklist

Lent appeals to my checklist-loving, accomplishment-coveting brain.

Especially as the mother to many young children, “finishing something” is rare. Completing the steps of Lent may be the only way I can savor that experience in any tangible way.

Not that that is what Lent is about. No, Lent sometimes happens in such a way that it prevents us from engaging in that kind of formulaic practice. God arranges that for us so that we can be jostled out of our predictable patterns and find new ways to exist as Christians.

This year, I managed to say “yes” to my children’s request to play indoor soccer with our local Christian league. Every game during Lent fell on a Friday. Sigh. Just another year saying, “Next year, I will do things differently.” More awareness. More mindfulness. More boundaries.

Fast forward to Easter, and it is zooming right along. We have much to do as the school year comes to a close. It is easy to forget that Easter continues, whether we celebrate or not.

How are we intentionally planning this time so that we pause, rest, and celebrate the Risen Lord Who saves us? I’m going to ponder this today.

For example:

When children are upset, I’m going to make sure I remind them about Jesus, and share with them some JOY.

When a piece of our seemingly never-ending supply of candy wanders across my path, I’m going to savor it for the moment, enjoying its sweetness and then picking up my Bible instead of a second piece.

I’m going to choose at least a few hours where my phone is not within arm’s reach. No illusions that I can keep it tucked away all day–as I mentioned earlier, there is a lot going on, and communication channels splash like salmon streams, about all sorts of things. But I can step out of the stream for at least a little awhile.

Let us remember: it’s still Easter.

Christ is risen! Indeed, He is risen!

Now, on a humorous note, I managed to collect this montage of photos of my 9 month old daughter who mostly eschews solids–at least, until she found this Cadbury egg. Imagine her excitement when she was able to discretely devour this yumminess! My son found her, took away the foil pieces, and then let me know what was happening so I could delight in her discovery of naughty food.

Cadbury 1Cadbury 2Cadbury 3Cadbury 4Cadbury 5


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