From our family to yours…

From our contributors:


Many blessings on this wonderful day of thanks! ~ Kerri

May we cherish each moment with our family and friends today, even those who challenge our charity, for those are the very ones who might need our kindness and gratitude the most. ~ Christine

For the greatness of our God, for our family, and for the precious gift of life – we thank you, Lord! ~ Birgit

Our family is so thankful for all of God’s blessings in our lives. We pray that God blesses you as richly as He has blessed us. Happy Thanksgiving! ~ Michelle

I wish that everyone reading our blog has the chance to spend the day with someone who they love. And that all of us who are struggling with darkness right now might know and understand that light is coming.  Also, that we might bring the light of Christ to others.  ~ Marie

I want to remember and hold up in prayer all our military men and women, especially the ones that are separated from loved ones this holiday season. Thank you and your families! ♥ ~ Ann Marie O.

I thank God that we have enough food to eat, warm clothing and a comfortable bed to sleep in. I ask God to give us the resources and means to help others receive these blessings, too. ~ AnnMarie C.

I thank God for my family — especially Andrew & Rachel on their birthday weekend — & friends. I thank God for my continued recovery & wish for it to continue smoothly. I thank God for the continued support & love I get from my family — especially Andrew & mom — & friends — especially the Sistas — & even complete strangers throughout the world. I pray that Rachel & my Thanksgiving story will help other women facing a diagnosis like mine.

I pray that all people in the world will open their eyes & hearts to the wonderful gift of life & give thanks for life even when things look desperate. I pray that cancer patients the world over are getting good care & are thankful for the hard-working doctors, nurses & researchers who are trying to help end the tragedy of cancer. ~ Erika

Thankful to live in a country that was born by Christians who wisely allowed for the correction of our sinful ways with the voting power of the people.

Thankful that God sees it fit to continue to send new generations so that we may pass on His teachings such that laws involving the loss of human dignity might be overturned.

Thankful for my family, extended family, close friends and far friends.

Thankful for the Church and the Eucharist. ~ Adrienne

I’m thankful to have come home to the Catholic Church in 2004, and to the amazing people who serve their parishes through RCIA programs. I pray for those currently preparing to come into full communion this coming Easter. ~ Nicole

 I’m thankful for the gift of family, whether by blood or bound through our Catholic Faith. ~ Martina

I wish peace and blessings upon all of our readers and contributors, and that we may feel grateful that we are well fed, both physically and spiritually by God’s gracious hand. ~Brittany

Thankful for God who loves and forgives us. Thankful for the Communion of Saints who webbing to as examples of God’s wishes for us. Wishes for all to be grateful for lives filled with blessings. ~ Charla

In thanksgiving for my family and that I made it this far in pregnancy…asking for another 12 weeks at least of pregnancy. 🙂 ~ Anna

I thank God for calling me out of atheism and sparing me a life without Him. I beg for graces for those who have not yet come home, that they might enjoy God’s loving presence in their lives, too. ~ Misty

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