February: The Month of the Holy Family

Attacked on all sides, the infrastructure and value of the family has crumbled in our society. High divorce rates, lower marriage rates, increased acceptance of gay marriage, and a society based on the wants of the individual rather than the needs of the family, have all contributed to this sad decay.  On top of the morally problematic issues of today, families are also increasingly separated from extended family members, and having to forge their own ways without help or guidance as to a good, genuine way of rearing their children and navigating marriage. Thankfully the Church, in her wisdom while dedicating the months of the year to specific devotions, gave us a month to dedicate to the Holy Family, February.  February: The Holy Family

The Holy Family is the ultimate example of how each family member, acting in holiness and accordance to God’s divine law and plan, can create an environment that glorifies God. Through self-sacrifice and selflessness, the individuals create a beautiful family structure. Looking at each of the members of the Holy Family, you can easily see how this yielded good fruit.

Mary, in her acceptance and welcoming of God’s will for her to become the mother of Christ, gave life to the Christ Child. She fed him, loved him, raised him up to follow the laws of God, and showed him how to function as an individual.

Joseph is the ultimate example of fatherhood. He helped raise Jesus, provided for his family’s needs, and shared his carpentry skills with Jesus.

The child Jesus followed Mary and Joseph’s examples of good behavior and listened to what they instructed him to do until he was an adult and ready to accomplish his mission as Savior.

May we all follow the example of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus in their roles within the Holy Family.


Resources for the Month of the Holy Family

To help little ones understand a bit about the Holy Family, Catholic Icing has a few nice craft activities to depict the Holy Family here

Consider joining me and others in praying this prayer to the Holy Family from the Missionaries of the Holy Family

The Holy Family PrayerThe Holy Family Prayer
JESUS, Son of God and Son of Mary, bless our family. Graciously inspire in us the unity, peace, and mutual love that you found in your own family in the little town of Nazareth.

MARY, Mother of Jesus and Our Mother, nourish our family with your faith and your love. Keep us close to your Son, Jesus, in all our sorrows and joys.

JOSEPH, Foster-father to Jesus, guardian and spouse of Mary, keep our family safe from harm. Help us in all times of discouragement or anxiety.

HOLY FAMILY OF NAZARETH, make our family one with you. Help us to be instruments of peace. Grant that love, strengthened by grace, may prove mightier than all the weaknesses and trials through which our families sometimes pass. May we always have God at the center of our hearts and homes until we are all one family, happy and at peace in our true home with you. Amen.


For more on the Dedication of the Twelve Months of the Year, click here.

Next month’s dedication: St. Joseph

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