Welcome to Catholic Sistas’ newest series, featuring some of our friends in the Catholic blogging world entitled Fabulously Featured which will run on Wednesdays. I have always wanted to introduce you to some new blogs to follow and support, but seriously lacked the time to put this together before now. In a Facebook group of fellow Catholic women bloggers, I asked ladies to answer some questions for this series, and they were all too excited to participate! I give you their answers in their own words. 🙂
Today we turn our attention to Equipping Catholic Families, which is authored by Monica McConkey. Equipping Catholic Families is an amazing resource for Catholic parents! I have a heart for blogs that offer resources such as crafts, printables, and even cool Catholic cake toppers for Catholic parents to use to build up their domestic church! Let’s dive in and learn more about Monica and Equipping Catholic Families.

Monica McConkey
December 2010
Catholic crafts and celebrations and family life and traditions.
I wrote a book about crafts to celebrate the Seasons and Feastdays of the Liturgical Calendar back in 2001 (A Treasure Chest) and continued adding Catechism, Prayer, Saint and Sacrament craft kits and quizzing cards as part of our family apostolate Arma Dei. It took me a couple years to figure out how to make a real website…and just when I launched our Arma Dei website, I discovered blogging and how much more user-friendly it was to share posts!
I really enjoy finding new ways to teach and celebrate our Catholic Faith and blogging gives me the opportunity to justify the amount of time I put into these crafts and activities!
While I continue to write about these practical ways to celebrate our Faith, I’m feeling more drawn lately to personal prayer and I’m trying to pass along what I have learned (from some reallyFaith-filled people) about what our relationship with Jesus can be like.
Favorite Element
I really like the fact that I can create series of posts like Feast Day Fun or Rome Posts or Catholic Printables and display them all in a neat gallery.
I also like the fact that I’m able to use my 16 year old daughter Kelly’s drawings of the Saints. See Feast Day Fun
Favorite Post
30 Ways to Play showcases some of our featured activities and craft kits celebrating the Saints! I just seem to be getting more and more inspired by the Saints and I’m always looking for ways to welcome them into our family.
It Happened on a Double Decker Bus describes a powerful experience I had on my recent pilgrimage to Rome…and a little more about that personal relationship with Jesus.
Feast Day Fun Saint Thérèse is an example of our Feast Day Fun posts. They include my 16 year old daughter’s Kelly Saints, a quick bio and some ideas to help celebrate the Feast Day.
Still striving for balance!
I try to have a decent amount of prayer time and/or spiritual reading each day. (I’m loving Blessed Is She to launch my day)
I try to blog when the kids are asleep, at school or otherwise occupied.
I have a blog patron: St John Paul II! I think he has on occasion sent me tech help when I asked for it!
I try to pray for help setting my priorities and working on exactly what I should be working on.
When my blog has technical difficulties, I pray that it will get fixed if there are posts that anyone needs to see and if I’m meant to let go of the blog, that the Lord will show me what he wants me to do in its place.
I’m writing to other Catholic Moms and teachers looking for fun ways to celebrate and teach our Catholic Faith!
Catch Phrase/Tagline
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Have a question or comment for our featured blogger? Please leave them in the comments below!
Would you {or someone you know} like to be fabulously featured?
Send an email to Martina@CatholicSistas.com and reference the Fabulously Featured series and we’ll get the ball rolling to get you or your friend featured!