Welcome to Catholic Sistas’ newest series, featuring some of our friends in the Catholic blogging world entitled Fabulously Featured which will run on Wednesdays. I have always wanted to introduce you to some new blogs to follow and support, but seriously lacked the time to put this together before now. In a Facebook group of fellow Catholic women bloggers, I asked ladies to answer some questions for this series, and they were all too excited to participate! I give you their answers in their own words. 🙂
Laura Paredo of A Drop in the Ocean is a fresh drop of water in that she is a young Catholic in the blogging world. Sometimes the best eyes and freshest perspective comes from our young adults. Laura had no intention of blogging, but after a guest post highlighting her apostolate work in counseling young pregnant girls, she ended up getting super involved in the pro-life movement. You can find her published writing over at Life News, Life Site News, and even Live Action. You’ve seen the impact of young adults in the pro-life movement–now read about those boots on the ground through Laura’s blog.
I started blogging late 2011.
I write a lot about Catholic and pro-life topics since that’s what I am passionate about, but a lot of what I share is me trying to figure out what it means to be “made for greatness”. Exploring what it means to become the best versions of ourselves, sharing when we fail, and looking at current events also happens.
I started blogging because I felt like I had something to say after going to the International Pro-Life Youth Conference. Since then I have changed my approach a bit and focus on a wider range of topics. Whether it’s something that comes up in a conversation with friends, a Facebook thread, or a news article, anything I come in contact with could become inspiration for a new post.
What I love most about blogging is the satisfaction of looking back on an old post and seeing how far God has taken me since then. It’s probably accompanied by a cringe at typos and disjointed thoughts. But overall having a space of my own to be creative, work through issues, and create a community has been an empowering and learning experience for me.
I named my blog after Mother Teresa’s quote “We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.” It’s a reminder that all our drops are important.
My favorite piece of advice for anything worthwhile is: Just do it. You don’t have to know how to code or be a photographer to blog. Be authentic and people will read because of you. Give your best and network a little to make connections and build a community!
Have a question or comment for our featured blogger? Please leave them in the comments below!
Would you {or someone you know} like to be fabulously featured?
Send an email to Martina@CatholicSistas.comand reference the Fabulously Featured series and we’ll get the ball rolling to get you or your friend featured!