Delaney Lisieux

“I will never forget you.
See, upon the palms of my hands I have written your name”

Isaiah 49:15-16

My Sweet Delaney Lisieux,

I am writing you this to keep you alive in my heart,
my child you will always be with me…
You will always be in my thoughts and within my soul.
You were once a part of me but now you’re a part of Heaven.

Your time with me was so short but I praise God
for letting me know you were there with me.
I know now I have a child, in Heaven, I am a mother
to an angel in heaven. My Child, your name means “Angel from Heaven”
and that is what you are to us, an angel.

So briefly letting us know you are with us
then going on to where we hope to be someday…
Interceding for us for the rest of our lives, I couldn’t
ask for more  than that. Like my own angel I know
you will be praying for me all the days of my life.
Although I will never watch your first tee ball game
or see you at your graduation, I will see you again one day.
That is my only hope. To see you again my child.

May your prayers guide us, and your love
sustain us through the trails we will face.
Delaney, you would have been born today
but instead you have already been born in my heart

My sweet baby, I love you.


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