2016 Lent Photo Journey

2016 Lent Photo Journey

TWO WEEKS until Lent. Can you believe it?! It feels like Christmas and Advent just ended. And I’m just getting into the swing of Ordinary Time and all things green in the liturgy. But now, especially thanks to Misty’s post last week, Your 2016 Handy-Dandy List of Lenten Resources, I find myself thinking of my 2016 Lenten Sacrifices and Commitments. So this past Sunday my husband and I signed up for a 6-week study program on prayer at our parish for Lent. And today I’m thinking about one of my favorite liturgical season traditions at Catholic Sistas, our Photo Journeys and inviting you to join in on the fun and reflection.

Through each Photo Journey together we share how the Holy Spirit moves us in visualizing God in our lives to authentically share our Catholic faith through image and word. Sometimes it’s easy to visualize God in our lives through the Photo a Day Challenge word and other times we’re pushed to consider how God makes that word present in our lives. But that’s part of what makes a Photo Journey together so fruitful for Lent and Advent.

So who’s in for our 2016 Lent Photo Journey?! I’m delighted to co-lead this Photo Journey with my fellow photo-happy friends, Brittany, Adrienne, Rosemary, Mary, Cindy and Kristin (and find me here). To help you in your journey, below you’ll find the whats, hows and hashtags for joining the 2016 Lent Photo Journey. I’m excited to get started on this photo journey with y’all in two weeks and to see how the Holy Spirit moves us all to reflect on and share our Catholic faith this Lent. Happy clicking (or touching your phone screen)!

How the 2016 Lent Photo Journey Works

• Each day has a word associated with it. Share a photo related to that word, whether the photo is overtly faith-themed or not. The goal is for us to see God in our everyday lives.

• Use the hashtag #CSLentIPJ and any other appropriate hashtags (#gray, #test, #Catholic, etc) when you post your Photo Journey photos. This allows us all to search Instagram and other social media platforms for others who are participating in the Photo Journey. (CSLentIPJ = Catholic Sistas Lent Instagram Photo Journey)

• The main social media platforms for the Lent Photo Journey are Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, but we’re present on many other platforms. Tag us with @CatholicSistas on Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook, @Catholic_Sistas on Twitter and +CatholicSistas on Google+. And if you’re blogging about your Lenten Photo Journey, link back to us or comment below with a link to your post.

• Download the 2016 CSLentIPJ graphic for quick reference. Note that weekends are a different color. Oh, and after you download it, share it with others and invite them to journey with us too! And consider using the Lenten Photo-A-Day Journey Participant graphic on your social media sites, such as a profile picture on Facebook or for promotion on Instagram.


Find us on the Gram, Pinterest, & Facebook!