Ah, the raging liberal stereotypes were alive and well at the Capitol in Austin, Texas yesterday {and the day before} in response to the second session called by Governor Rick Perry. Now currently named HB2, the new bill is identical to the bill SB5 that mob, Cecile Richards, and Mizunos killed last week. As a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin myself, I understand the behavior I witnessed last night all too well. I would have simply called it a Tuesday on the south mall at UT. Mobs and rage and irrational anger are part and parcel to the UT scene. These are the people that Cecile wants representing her cause, the destruction of the unborn under the guise of “women’s health,” carried out by women who have bought the lie that in order to be equal to men, they need to shed their uteruses.
But, if you pay people, I guess you can’t complain who shows up.

Another Craigslist ad was removed, but the text read: Craigslist Ad
Posted: 2013-06-29, 1:13PM CDT
Stand with Pro-Choice Texas: Leadership Positions to Ensure Healthcare
Building Organizations. Winning Elections. Developing Leaders.
Apply Online Now: or by Phone: 512-994-1010
Salaried positions available immediately. Run a campaign office
Click here to read more about Grassroots Campaigns and our work. If you clink on the link for “Salaried positions” you will read this:
“Grassroots Campaigns is a progressive organization that specializes in running face-to-face campaigns for political parties, candidates, and advocacy groups. By running campaigns on behalf of groups such as the American Civil Liberties Union, Democratic National Committee, the Nature Conservancy and Oxfam America we can focus on building up their membership and base of support.”
Keywords: campaign, student, politics, non profit, college, rights, equality, environment, women, gender
Compensation: $1300-$2200/Month
This is at a non-profit organization.
Hail Satan was heard behind those giving witness to life – you can hear them here. Hail Satan even trended on Twitter last night, too.
Here is a small snapshot into the past two days at the Capitol in Austin.
Pray, friends. It’s about to get more intense in Texas.
Pray for hearts to be pierced by the love that only comes from God.
And pray for State Representative Jonathan Strickland and his family who were
threatened by pro-choicers who told him “I hope you’re raped” and “I hope your daughter’s raped.”
Many feminists insist that abortion is necessary for women to participate freely and equally in society. Anyone who disagrees, they argue, has merely adopted patriarchal standards and accepted women’s ‘place’ in society. Yet this argument demonstrates how deeply the roots of sexism run in our culture. Its premise is a sexist one—that women are inferior to men and that in order to be equal, we have to change our biology to become like men—wombless and unpregnant at will. What other oppressed group in history has had to undergo surgery in order to be equal?
The opposition were so flustered that TEXAS BLUE showed up on Tuesday at the correct time, that they pouted and
whined in the Twittersphere and created an embarrassing tactic against anyone wearing blue.
Fetology is the study of, diagnosis and treatment of a human fetus as a separate patient.
Read those words again. Separate Patient. Fetology didn’t exist in 1973 when Roe vs. Wade decision was made.
What’s beneath the surface level mantras? Watch the video and see.

An airplane with the message “STANDWITHWENDY”

Eyewitness account: I want to share my story from the rally on 7/1. I went to the Capitol grounds, found a shaded place on the sidewalk, and knelt down and started praying the rosary and the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy. As I was praying, a women in orange came up to me and started to hassle me and tried to give me a metal clothes hanger. I ignored her and a courageous man came to my defense and she backed off.
However, what I found most disturbing was a man telling a mother of 3 (in the presence of her children), “Why don’t you put pictures of dead women who died from botched abortions in back alleyways?!” His tone was full of anger and hate. All the mother was doing was putting together a sign for her and her children to carry around in support of life. I was so inspired by this mother and her 3 children.

Those who understand how the process goes, know that you have to be prepared to drop everything and head to the Capitol once information is known. Originally planned to show up at noon on July 2, news changed abruptly and folks needed to get down there at 9 a.m. – on short notice, TEXAS BLUE folks made the trek to register their presence and sign up to give testimony.

If the fetus you save is gay, would you still fight for it?
Here is video of what it sounded last night just before we left.
To keep up to date with what’s going on, please visit Texas Alliance for Life’s Facebook fan page. #Stand4Life, y’all!
SOUND OFF: If you were there, what was your experience like? Share with us, TEXAS blue!