I just now got back from the grocery store after picking up a few items I wouldn’t buy at Costco {read: did NOT want to go searching for more food during tax free weekend through all that insanity} and the lovely heat slapped me in the face as I walked out of the store…I imagine it would feel similar to Satan breathing down my neck. Here it was, nearly 8 p.m. and the temps were STILL hovering in the high 90s, possibly low 100s depending on which part of the frying pan you were standing. Inside the store was what really got me thinking about the oppressive heat. I generally take things in stride and let impending crises roll off my back. I do my best to put them in perspective, but the not-so-stocked shelves at the grocery store were noticeable.
Then, I made my way back to the dairy section. I looked for my favorite Splenda sweetened iced tea {no, I don’t need a lecture on Splenda or aspartame!} – completely out. No surprise, they were completely out days ago. Ok, I think to myself while looking up in the direction of heaven, ok, God. No more diet drinks. Sigh. I go to the milk section and I see several signs hanging inside the refrigerated section where the shelves should be full of milk.
And it hits me. This drought is NOT going away anytime soon. And even if it started raining, like, now? It would be a long time before we get back to “normal.” Pft. Normal. It hasn’t rained more than the fingers on one hand since our youngest was born. To give a little perspective, she turned one this past August 7.
We are in stage 3 drought {last I checked} and the latest advice has been to forget watering your yard, water the foundation. Homes are at risk for foundation cracks, we can no longer water our yard using sprinkler systems, we very seriously need to consider how full our dishwashers, and washing machines are before running {not too much a concern for us, anyway b/c I pack those suckers tizight} and the fun one…shortening bathing time. Uch! Stinky people in Texas in August. Are ya diggin’ where I’m going with this?
To say we need prayers in Texas and our neighboring states is an understatement. We need novenas, we need Mass intentions, we need Adoration hours and rosaries, Divine Mercy Chaplets, offering up our daily sufferings – ANYTHING we can do to on our end to bring about rain…and pray for God’s mercy. The shock I felt in the store will fade and I will return to my usual daily intentions…until the next time we need milk.
Join me in praying for rain for our parched land.