Howdy, friends! We’re thrilled you’re considering becoming an Ink Slinger*! The Catholic blogging sphere needs a variety of voices and witnesses to show how beautiful, rich, and unique our faith truly is. In other words, we need you!
In order to become an official Ink Slinger, however, we do ask that you go through our application process, as outlined below. Please note, we aren’t just looking for seasoned writers, we’re looking for anyone with a calling to write.
- PRAY – Have you prayed about taking on the commitment and role of writing? A good, three-prong approach to discerning a new spiritual endeavor is to pray, go to confession, pray some more, and speak with a trusted and theologically sound friend and/or priest.
- DISCERN – Discernment looks different for everyone. It can be quick, slow, or somewhere in the middle. And there is no right way to do it, but one thing is for certain – we at Catholic Sistas want YOU to thoroughly discern what writing means before you give your yes. Your primary vocation comes first. Ask God for clarity in your discernment and He will give you the answer. One thing I have personally found to be true with my discernments it that whether it is something I want to do or not, God always floods my heart with a sense of peace. Maybe look for that same peace in your heart as a guide to whether now would be the right time to commit to writing for CS. ~ Martina
- VISIT – Have you read through the articles here? Are you familiar with our mission? Did you know we have interviewed some pretty amazing people? Start with learning about the name, and then check out our mission statement. Maybe get to know the foundress Martina – it’ll be fun! But, we strongly advise you pour yourself a HUGE cup of coffee before you start sifting through the 1000s of pages, friend!
- WRITING SAMPLE – Next, you’ll need to send us a sample of your writing. Please make sure the sample is a new, unpublished piece. Though we leave you to discern what topic you’d like to write about, it is always to your benefit to submit some kind of witness or testimony telling how God has worked in your life.
- Writing samples should be between 500-800 words.
- Samples will uphold the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.
- Content will be brand new, unpublished, and should they be featured here, become the sole property of Catholic Sistas.
- Editors are responsible for making sure your post meets our guidelines, including making alterations to your piece, if necessary.
- If you can not come up with a topic, please look below for several suggestions.
- Send your sample to We will accept new writers year round, but will be actively searching for your talent in the month of April. Due to ease of accessing content, please send your sample using Google Docs.
- If you have previous blogging experience, please make it blog post ready, meaning it will have a good, strong title, subheadings, at least one picture – including a featured picture which has the title and blog address included on it, and tags and categories you feel best represent your piece.
- COMPENSATION – Catholic Sistas operates as a 100% coordinated volunteer apostolate – we do not pay our writers.
- WHAT’S NEXT? – Now that you’ve submitted your piece, you can expect contact with one of our editors who will explain the next steps to you.
- single Catholics all ages,
- empty-nesters,
- couples who struggle with infertility,
- grandparents,
- single parents,
- individuals who struggle with same sex attraction,
- parents of adult children,
- young and married,
- married with a small family,
- married with a large family,
- international families,
- military families,
- families of first responders,
- those who live with or who themselves have mental disorders {from anxiety to depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, etc.},
- families of special needs children or who themselves have special needs,
- families with chronic illness,
- those who enjoy Catholic crafts,
- those who enjoy cooking liturgically, and last but not least
- OTHER DETAILS- Writers for Catholic Sistas typically write 1-2 posts a month. Once accepted as a Catholic Sistas Ink Slinger, Contributor Guidelines with submission deadline information will be provided.
- Also important to note: Failure to adhere to these writing sample guidelines can disqualify the writer from consideration at this time.
What is one religious tradition you loved growing up or hope to bring to your family?
Tell us about one saint who has made an impact on you spiritually and why.
Write about a moment in your life in which you felt connected spiritually? Where were you? What were you doing? What happened and what became of that moment?
My favorite Sunday ritual is…
Read the Gospel for one of the upcoming Sundays. Reflect and share about the Gospel.
Find one of your favorite scripture passages or saint quotes. Share and reflect about that scripture passage / quote.
Write about one of the beatitudes.
Write about one of the virtues.
*Catholic Sistas is a 100% volunteer-run apostolate. We do not pay our writers.