Mary Helps Me Mother

mother maryIt’s Mary’s month of May! She helps me be a better mother by her example and prayers.

In the beginning, I had a hard time connecting with Mary. I simply believed Church teaching regarding her; that was it. Over the years, however, as I read and noticed and prayed, I’ve grown to see her as my special friend and powerful pray-er. Mothers love it when people love their children. I’ve learned much from her.

Our oldest and youngest, both with cystic fibrosis.

Our oldest and youngest, both with cystic fibrosis.

1.) Her Fiat is my mantra. I’m going to have a 1:4 chance of cystic fibrosis with each pregnancy? No, no, no. But yet … Let it be unto me according to what you have said. Two of my seven children will indeed have CF? Let it be unto me according to what you have said. Please pray for my peace throughout this.

2.) She had to live in Egypt. Very bad history for Hebrews there. Sometimes I feel like I live in a foreign place with a bad history: children’s hospitalizations, people being mean to me, and what in the world is going on at Mass? Egypt. Please pray for my contentment in crazy places.

3.) She seemed to be a free-range parent, figuring Jesus would find them as they traveled home from Jerusalem (Quite a parenting mistake: We’ve lost the Messiah!). Do you think she dragged Him by the ear back to their camel? Please pray for my courage as my children venture out.

4.) She bugged her Son at the wedding in Cana, even though He was an adult, to step up and do the right thing. So I’ll take that as a green light to continue to bug my adult kids to straighten up and keep sharp. Please pray for my wisdom with them.

mother mary5.) She remained with Jesus through the entire story, “there and back again.” No one could say that she’d wasted her talents by just raising a Child whom she nurtured, suffered with, buried, got to kiss again, said goodbye to again, and then joined in heaven. Even if I have to bury a child, “there and back again” is my future, too, for Mary is the eschatological icon of the Church (CCC 972-975). Hers is my future. Please pray for me to be closer to your Son.

mother mary2Gabriel hailed you as full of grace with the Lord. Like Elizabeth I exclaim, “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb!” As a servant of Jesus like the servants in Cana, I’ll heed your words and do whatever He tells me. You are a good mother. Please pray for me to be a good one.


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