Today is the 5th Friday of Lent and in just two days we’ll be celebrating Palm Sunday and ushering in Holy Week. Can you believe we’re already at the end of Lent? I feel like it has gone by really quickly this time around. But I’m glad I caught that we were near the end before we actually got to the end.
With just a few days left, I think it’s a good time to reflect on what I’ve learned this Lent before entering into the Sacred Triduum. It’s the best time to reflect on how I fulfilled (or not fulfilled) my Lenten promises and ask myself, “Did I take on too much or not enough and did this Lent truly prepared me for the upcoming Easter season?”
I’d like to invite you to reflect on your own Lent as well. I came up with a list of questions for myself, and I hope to spend some time reflecting on each of these this weekend. I hope these questions can help all of us to reflect more deeply on our Lenten experiences.
On days when I broke my Lenten promises, was it due to forgetfulness, laziness, or weakness?
If forgetfulness, how can I help myself in the future to better remember my promised sacrifices each day?
If laziness, I should take some serious time to reflect on the root causes of my laziness. Is it due to ignorance or selfishness? Maybe it’s the result of bad habits that go back years (laziness begets laziness). Reflect on the crucifix and the wounds of Christ and pray for inspiration to help forge ahead and out of this state.
If weakness, is it because I took on too much for Lent? Lent should be hard, in a challenging way, not an impossible way. Or is it due to a lack of spiritual maturity?
Did I grow closer to Jesus Christ this Lent?
What have I done to grow my relationship with my Lord?
What could I have done better to deepen that relationship?
How might I do things differently in the future to help that relationship deepen?
Did Lent adequately prepare my heart with a sense of anticipation for the upcoming Easter celebration?
Although I know the ultimate outcome of the Crucifixion is the Resurrection (something the Apostles did not know would happen), do I have a sense of the hopelessness and fear the Apostles had when Jesus was arrested and subsequently crucified?
Did my sacrifices this Lent draw me to a point where the celebration of Easter will be truly joyous and filled with the same kind of wonderment that the Apostles must have experienced when they discovered the empty tomb?
What have I learned about my faith, myself, and suffering over this Lent?
Is my faith life stronger?
Have I progressed in my spiritual life since Ash Wednesday?
Do I have a greater appreciation for suffering and the benefits suffering can bear?
What lessons from Lent do I plan to carry forward into the Easter season and beyond?
I hope you will join me this weekend in reflecting on your Lenten experiences, whether you use my questions or come up with your own. This is a perfect time to do this as we make our final preparations for Holy Week and Easter.
Are there questions you would add to this list? Let me know in the comments, I’d love to see them!
I wish all our dear readers a beautiful Holy Week and a joyous Easter celebration!!