Before you make your purchase, it’s good to have as much information as possible so you can decide if this is the product for you. I’ve pulled a few questions from the download FAQ and thrown in a few extras that are more specific for this side of purchase. 🙂
Q: What’s the difference between the academic and the liturgical DAYBOOK? Don’t they both contain liturgical content?
A: GREAT QUESTION! We use the terminology that mirrors the Church, and when the universal Church refers to the liturgical year, it starts with the first Sunday of Advent. Our liturgical DAYBOOK also starts with the first Sunday of Advent. Our academic DAYBOOK starts with the beginning of the school year, or July 1 to give folks time to start penciling in upcoming events in anticipation of the start of the school year. Both DAYBOOK editions contain content that is relevant for all Catholics such as feast day reminders, rosary mystery prompts, prayers, and daily readings according to the Novus Ordo as well as Extraordinary Form feast days and Ember Days.
Q: So, what do you mean by a downloadable purchase?
A: This is a digital file that will be e-mailed to you. You will not receive anything via snail mail.
Q: I can’t download my copy. What happened?
A: Selz {the company that handles the downloads and sales} has a time and attempt limit. 90 days and/or 50 attempts to download your files. It’s super important that you download your files as soon as you make your purchase!
Q: Do I really have to print this myself?
A: Not necessarily. You can opt to pay to have a print shop print it up for you. The idea behind the planner is to offer it to you at a great price, which allows you the option to put money into printing, whether at home using your own ink or at a local print shop.
Q: I don’t know about all those pages – the print shop is charging me an arm and a leg – I know it’s an inexpensive purchase, but I feel like I’m spending a fortune to get it printed.
A: The best bang for your buck is going to be print it at home, in b&w, no doubt. The color (found in the bundles) is for those who are looking for that option. Print shops are definitely notorious for being proud of their prices – my advice is to shop your rates around, print as much as you can in b&w {if not all of it} and then have the print shop print smaller quantities in color.
Q: This is nice, but I’m in need of a digital planner, like Google or iCalendar – can you recommend something like that or is there a plan for this to go digital?
A: I’m all for digital planners – I use my own Google calendar and iPhone appointment app all the time! That said, this paper planner is definitely not going to meet the needs of every person looking for a Catholic planner, but it’s a good start! It’s possible a digital planner could be in the works – I don’t see it in the foreseeable future, though.
Q: I messed up a page {or ten}. Can I reprint those?
A: Of course! I mess up all the time – you’re are welcome to reprint any/all pages that didn’t print correctly or that you messed up. What’s discouraged is printing an entire second copy for someone else to use. 🙂
Q: Ooops! I found an error on the calendar – what should I do?
A: Definitely let me know so I can make corrections and issue corrected downloads for the errors. You can contact me directly at I’ll be honest, sometimes I’m in the middle of making saves to files and a kid (usually my own 😉 ) will have THE MOST IMPORTANT THING to tell me and whoops, there goes my focus. I work hard to catch all errors, but sometimes (hopefully) little ones slip through the cracks. I sure appreciate ya letting me know, friend. 🙂
Q: The print company is saying I can’t print this – something about needing a print release?
A: Included in your download you’ll find a print release that gives you permission to have ONE full copy {whatever you purchased} printed with my permission and blessing.
Q: My printer is acting up. Can you help me out?
A: Probably not. I can’t tell you how long I languished over trying to figure out my printer’s settings. Google, Bing, and ask friends to help you troubleshoot your printer. Good luck!
Q: Why do you recommend borderless printing?
A: After toying around with my printer settings {see above}, I discovered borderless – I never had a legit use for it before. I realized that borderless gives you more space to write because the printer is maximizing the space it prints. More space = more room to write = happy happy, yes?
Q: I don’t know anything about binding – can you recommend some options?
A: Not exactly. I’m not an expert in any of this, but I do know that you can have it bound cheaply* at your local Office Depot or Office Max. It all depends on what kind of durability you want and how much you care about binding options. My recommendation is take your sheets up to the print shop and see what they can do for you.
*I’ve seen it range in the $2-4 range depending on how many sheets you are binding.
Q: I’d like the option to print it smaller, like 8.5 x 5.5. Is that possible?
A. Based on responses I got from customers, yes, you can print it smaller. It would seem it’s as simple as adjusting your printer’s settings to fit two pages to one. If I find someone with instructions on the process, I will update this question.
Q: Is it possible to personalize the files using the fillable feature of PDF files?
A. I tested the 2015-2016 files with my Acrobat Pro program and I was able to fill in information, so my gut reaction is, yes, you can “edit” the files before printing.
Q: I don’t recognize this kind of file – .zip file. What is this?
A: Zip files contain all the files in one single file, making it easier to download. Once you are done downloading the file, you can open the zip file by double clicking on it. Your computer will then open a new window containing all of your files which you can drag and drop to another location on your computer.
Q: I can’t open the file, what’s wrong?
A: Your browser may not have downloaded all of the file, please try the download again.
Q: When I open the zip file it’s empty, what’s wrong?
A: Your browser may not have downloaded all of the file, please try the download again. PC users have increasingly had problems with the latest DAYBOOK PDF download. I have had a friend who is well-versed in both PCs and Mac computers who downloaded the files with no problem to his PC. His advice is simple: you need to download the zip file, not click on the “folder”. If you click on the folder instead of downloading the zip file, this is what will happen: it will show you the contents, and then when you click on the pdf files, it says no preview available. You can’t download the individual files, only the entire folder.
Q: Where did you get those cute tabs for your calendar?
The planner is beautiful! I wanted to purchase the Aug 2015-Jul 2016 set and the only option given is the 2016 CTTY. I really love the Madonna of the Lilies cover :). Am I missing something? Thank you. God bless!
Here is the link to the Academic 2015-2016 calendar!