What is Catholic Sistas anyway?
Catholic Sistas is a multi-contributor blog whose simple mission is rooted in John Paul II’s call for the faithful to engage in the New Evangelization, which was encouraged by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and is being realized through Pope Francis’ leadership. With over 50 contributors in the United States, and some guest posts from abroad, we seek to reach Catholics and non-Catholics where they are in their understanding of the Faith. The goal is to challenge readers and contributors alike to stretch, grow, and immerse ourselves in the Faith more deeply, which is achieved through a variety of topics and, as our catch phrase goes – We are a group of women who share a passion for the Faith by blogging. From humor to critical thinking pieces, we’ll keep you on your toes! – you will find that our posts cover not only many different topics regarding the Faith, but with so many contributors, the approach to topics also varies.
How it all started…
We are a group of women who met in an online private Catholic women’s group. We spend our days chatting about all things Catholic, from our state in life, to current events, prayer, support, dying to self {posts that reflect on our sufferings and what we are offering them up for}, what’s for dinner, daily chores, kid and husband brags, all with good old fashioned humor and genuine charity infused into each of those conversations. The group provided Christian fellowship and countless opportunities to learn about and grow in our Catholic faith. It was great! As it grew, we realized there was a need for these conversations in our world today…
A blog is born…
Upon that realization of bringing the Faith to others in the same manner as our conversations, the idea for Catholic Sistas was born on August 18, 2011. With the variety of backgrounds and topics covered, we figured we may as well put some of that talent to good use and share our love of Faith among fellow Catholics in a more public forum. The Ink Slingers, as the contributors would come to be known, represent different walks of our Faith, but one thing that binds us together through those differences, is our love for God and our adherence to the Church and Her teachings. As a reflection of this diversity, Catholic Sistas addresses topics both serious and lighthearted, but always rooted in Truth with firm adherence to the Magesterium. At the end of the day, Catholic Sistas strives to bring the Faith to the forefront of our lives and to inspire our readers to go and be a light for Christ. Our goal is to bring a new passion to Catholics, no matter where they are in their walk with Christ. Our cup is never full and we should always be learning from others, as we are all different parts of the same Body.
Want to know more about the contributors?
Visit the Ink Slingers page and learn more about our lovely contributors!
Now tell us more about yourself!
So now it’s your turn! We want to know a little bit about you, please come on over and Introduce Yourself.
Can we pray with you?
Prayer moves mountains – when we align our petitions with others, we become the living vines and branches. Prayer is one way we can connect with family, friends and acquaintances…even people we have not met. God knows our hearts and so part of our goal is to find ways to bring us together through prayer. If you have a specific petition you’d like to share with us, please visit our prayer request page which can be found on the top menu of the website or which is hotlinked here.
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God bless and keep you, today and always.