Every year since Catholic Sistas began in 2011, we have always had “boots on the ground” at the Washington DC March for Life. This year is no different in that regard, but we also want to include a short primer on the best pro-life resources, as well as send you to our Instagram account to check out what’s going on this year. If you have a resource you’d like to see us add, please send it to Martina@CatholicSistas.com.
Learn about Humanae Vitae
EWTN pro-life homepage
LIVE stream of the March For Life walk in Washington DC
Endowment for Human Development – beautifully made fetal development videos
40 Days for Life – pray in front of a local abortion center
Sidewalk Advocates – learn to become a sidewalk counselor
Susan B. Anthony List – national legislative and political issues
Abort73 – Millennial style educational and Pro-Life gear
Priests for Life – prayer resources
Care Net – national network of pregnancy centers
Texas Pregnancy Care Network – assists organizations that help women in crisis pregnancies via free and compassionate, practical and life-affirming services
Follow us on Instagram for live updates during the Washington DC March for Life
Read our Pro-Life archived posts
Use the hashtag #CSMFL2019 or #CSWhyWeMarch and tag us on Instagram!