2019 Advent Photo Journey

2019 Advent Photo Journey

Where as this year gone? We’re about to celebrate Thanksgiving and then just a few days later it’s the beginning of Advent, on December 1! 

One of the things we have been doing for six years now at Catholics Sistas for Advent and Lent are Photo Challenges. It’s a great way to journey through the liturgical season, examining our lives and sharing how the Holy Spirit visualizes God’s presence daily in our lives. Sometimes it’s easy to visualize God in our lives through the Photo a Day Challenge word and other times we’re pushed to consider how God makes that word present in our lives. But that’s part of what makes this Photo Journey together so fruitful. And why I love participating in them and seeing what other people share during the Photo Journey.


Join Us!

I invite you all to join my friends, Adrienne, Allison, Anna, Laura, Lynette, Mandi, and myself (Rita), in the 2019 Advent Photo Challenge. 

You don’t have to be part of the social media world to participate, though it is fun to be a part of at least one of our main platforms- Facebook or Instagram- to see other’s posts and read their reflections. Because while it’s fun to share your photos and reflections with others, if the Advent Photo Challenge provides you with an opportunity to reflect on the season of Advent and prepare for Christmas, that’s what counts.

To help you in your challenge, below you’ll find the whats, hows and hashtag info for joining the 2019 Advent Photo Challenge. I’m excited to get started on this photo challenge with y’all on Sunday and to see how the Holy Spirit moves us all to reflect on the season of Advent and share our Catholic faith. Happy clicking (or touching your cell phone screen)!


How the 2019 Advent Photo Challenge Works

• Each day has a word associated with it. Snap a photo or find an old photo related to that word. The photo does not have to be faith-themed, as the goal of our photo challenges is for us to see God in our everyday lives and reflect on Him.

• Use the hashtag #CSAdvent and any other appropriate hashtags (#purple, #tree, #light, etc) when you post your Photo Challenge photos. This allows us all to search Instagram and other social media platforms for other participants (CSAdvent = Catholic Sistas Advent). You can even follow the hashtag on Instagram so you’ll see all the photos posted from everyone participating. We will be sharing participant photos throughout the Photo Challenge, and the way we find them is through the #CSAdvent hashtag.

• While our main platforms for the 2019 Advent Photo Challenge are Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, we are present on many other platforms. Tag us with @CatholicSistas on INSTAGRAM, PINTEREST and FACEBOOK, and @Catholic_Sistas on TWITTER. And if you’re blogging about your Advent Photo Challenge, link back to us or comment below with a link to your post.

• Download the 2019 CS Advent Graphic for quick reference. Note that the dates of the weekends are a different color to help visually break up the days.

• Be sure to share the graphic with others and invite them to join the challenge too!

• And considering join us on Facebook in our group CATHOLIC SISTAS – THE COFFEE HOUSE. Here we can share pictures of the challenge and we get to know each other in a private setting. Please request to be added and answer the group questions, and you will be approved as soon a moderator is able to add you.

Find us on the Gram, Pinterest, & Facebook!