I’m a list gal, and when I saw “The Bucket List” a few years back, the idea proposed in the film resonated with me. The two stars (Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson) spend the movie checking off their final list of dreams. Since the film, the population of “bucket lists” have spread, inspiring many of us to make lists- to help us accomplish our dreams and goals, even over a short period of time.
In January, I posted some suggestions to stay “Spritually fit” in 2012. To expand on that, I would like to bring you, The Summer Bucket List: Catholic Edition.
1. Attend a Parish Picnic.
2. Sign the kids up for a week of Vacation Bible School.
3. Volunteer throughout the week at VBS.
4. Visit a new Parish for Sunday Mass. Nothing unites us as “One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic” Church like being able to attend Mass anywhere, and still participating in the same celebration. *If traveling, visit here to find Mass times. Don’t forget to support your home Parish the weekends you are away.
5. Tour a Shrine or a Basilica.
Shiela and I met at the Shrine of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception (Washington, DC) last August:
6. Visit a Catholic bookstore. My kids love checking out the children’s section.
7. Check out some Catholic books at the Library.
8. Celebrate a Feast Day or a Saint’s Day. We love making cakes and cupcakes around here. Here are our brownie shamrocks from the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity:
9. Make a Rosary garden or place a Blessed Mother statue in your yard.
10. Attend a Saturday Vigil Mass and go out for ice cream after.
11. Attend a daily Mass.
12. Teach your children a new prayer.
13. Say a Novena.
14. Go to Adoration.
15. Go to Confession.
16. Attend a Baptism.
17. Go to a wedding.
18. Go on a Spiritual Retreat. Even if it is disguised as a camping trip.
19. Have a “say the Rosary” play date.
20. Invite your Priest to supper.
Feel free to share some of your own ideas to have a faith filled summer.
Have a blessed Summer Everyone!