Terms of Service

Non-Commercial & For Personal Use Only.

Remember, through your purchase, you agree to our terms of service:

  • ONE printed complete copy* per download permitted
  • For additional copies, please re-purchase the download
  • While you will not actually download the file again to print, it is the equivalent of buying two copies off a store shelf.
  • You MAY NOT host the files on your website, blog, or give them to anyone else. Remember, thou shalt not steal, yes?
  • You will not be able to edit the files in any way.

*Printing multiple copies of the *notes* pages, or re-printing a page if you mess it up is perfectly and completely acceptable. Please refrain from making full copies for others.

This calendar, day planner, and bundles are the copyright of Martina Kreitzer, DBA Catholic Sistas, and distribution or reselling of the original files or printed files, including altering or copying the contents for your own use, or for commercial use is prohibited and will result in legal action taken against the offending party.

If you agree to these terms, please go ahead and download!

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