Hello Dear Readers,
We want to take a moment to introduce you to a new series we are working on for Catholic Sistas and to ask for your feedback. As you know, over the years this blog has featured writers from a wide variety of age groups and backgrounds all from an authentically Catholic perspective. In our new series, we want to allow Catholic moms of special needs kids a chance to share their experiences in raising their kids Catholic and all the things that revolve around that.
We all have challenges in our lives; we all face difficulties of one kind or another. The story is in how we face those challenges and overcome them. This is one of those things that Catholic Sistas has been great at over the years.
We have a couple writers lined up and a few others thinking about it (we had hoped to use this post to introduce you to our writers, but we’ll get to that in a future post). We’re still working out a few things, but hope to have a post up in February. Just like you can always expect a homeschool post on the second Friday of the month, this new series should show up every fourth Monday of the month.
One thing we would like, which we think will benefit our writers, is your ideas. What kinds of topics would you like our writers to tackle? Are there questions you have for them that they might be able to answer in a blog post? Anything else you want to add?
Here are some ideas we’ve already floated to our potential writers: facing doctors and others who want you to abort your baby because of a serious diagnosis, facing an unexpected diagnosis, how other children help out in the household, challenges siblings face, preparing your special needs child for sacraments, discerning adding more children to your family, and more.
Please share any feedback you have in the comments and thank you in advance! Some of our writers are a bit new to this and they’d love to have some topics to lend some inspiration. We are looking forward to this new series. We hope you are too!!