Our {Catholic} Homeschool Curriculum for 2015-2016

One of the best feelings for a homeschooling parent is to know EXACTLY what you will be using early on in the Summer before the new school year comes.  As we begin out seventh year homeschooling, I can finally say I feel like I have it all together and LOVE everything we are using.  So here is our Catholic Homeschooling Curriculum for the 2015-2016 school year.

Elementary School Children

As our spine we are using Catholic Schoolhouse (CSH) which encompasses: mainly History, Geography, Art, Science, Music and also reviews basics in Religion, Mathematics, Latin, and Language Arts.  This school year our focus will be Ancient History following CSH Year 2 from Creation to the 1500’s.



Language Arts: Grammar

Grade 5: 
Lingua Mater’s Intermediate Language Lessons

Grade 4:
Lingua Mater’s Intermediate Language Lessons

Grade 2:
Lingua Mater’s Primary Language Lessons

Grade 1:
Voyages in English 1 & 2 (Lepanto Press)

Language Arts: Writing Composition

Grade 5:
Writing & Rhetoric 1: Fables,
Writing & Rhetoric 2: Narrative,
Writing & Rhetoric 3: Narrative II

Grade 4:
Writing & Rhetoric 1: Fables,
Writing & Rhetoric 2: Narrative,
Writing & Rhetoric 3: Narrative II

Grade 2:
Morning Stories & Talks

Grade 1:
Morning Stories & Talks

Language Arts: Spelling

Grade 5:
All About Spelling 5

Grade 4:
All About Spelling 4

Grade 2:
All About Spelling 2

Grade 1:
All About Spelling 1

Language Arts: Handwriting

Grade 5: 
Catechism in Rhyme: Acts of Faith, Hope, Love & Contrition
Catechism in Rhyme: The Ten Commandments

Grade 4:
Catechism in Rhyme: Acts of Faith, Hope, Love & Contrition
Catechism in Rhyme: The Ten Commandments

Grade 2:
Catechism in Rhyme: Acts of Faith, Hope, Love & Contrition
Catechism in Rhyme: The Ten Commandments

Grade 1:
Catechism in Rhyme: Acts of Faith, Hope, Love & Contrition
Catechism in Rhyme: The Ten Commandments


Grade 5:
American Cardinal Reader 5

Grade 4:
American Cardinal Reader 4

Grade 2:
American Cardinal Reader 2

Grade 1: 
Little Angel Readers A, B, C, & D


Grade 5:
Ray’s New Practical Arithmetic

Grade 4:
Ray’s New Intellectual Arithmetic

Grade 2: 
Ray’s New Primary Arithmetic,
Classical Curriculum Arithmetic Workbook Series 2 – Books 1, 2, 3, & 4

Grade 1: 
Ray’s New Primary Arithmetic, 
Classical Curriculum Arithmetic Workbook Series 1 – Books 1, 2, 3, & 4


Grade 5:
Living God’s Gifts,
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass,
Picture Book of Saints

Grade 4:
Living for God,
New Picture Bible,
Sunday Morning Storyland

Grade 2:
Living in God’s Law,
New Picture Bible,
Leading Little Ones to Mary

Grade 1: 
Living in God’s Love,
Miracles of Jesus

High School Children

My one high schooler will be in his last year of homeschooling.  He started when he entered the sixth grade.  This is it!  I’m excited for this last chance to teach him.  This is our line up for him:


Introduction to Logic 
How to Prove God’s Existence Online Course


Catholic Action for Christ Our King
Christian Citizenship
The Measuring Tape


Christ 101, Online course
This is the Faith Book and CD


A Heart for Europe
Angels in Iron
For Altar & Throne
Lion & Crescent
Swords Around the Cross
Vienna 1683

English Composition

Classical Rhetoric through Structure and Style: Writing Lessons based Progymnasta


We have a group on Facebook for anyone interested in using Catholic Schoolhouse at home. Within the group we are having two big events, today a Year 2 Book stash share and on Monday we are having a Google Hangout Q & A session for anyone who is on the fence about using the program. You are all welcomed to join the group. *Search* Facebook using “Catholic Schoolhouse at Home” and the closed group will pop up. Request to be added to the group. 

Here it it: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CSHatHome/

Find us on the Gram, Pinterest, & Facebook!